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lana del rey dark paradise lyrics turkce

Togel Singapore Togel-Singapore 2023年12月17日

Lana Del Rey - "Dark Paradise" Lyrics

1. Introduction

Lana Del Rey's "Dark Paradise" is a hauntingly beautiful song that explores themes of longing, loss, and emotional vulnerability. With its poignant lyrics and rich instrumentation, it resonates with listeners around the world. In this article, we will delve into the meaning behind this song's lyrics in Indonesian.

2. Verse 1

"Every time I close my eyes

It's like a dark paradise

No one compares to you

I'm scared that you won't be waiting on the other side"

( Setiap kali aku menutup mataku

Ini seperti surga yang gelap

Tak ada yang bisa dibandingkan denganmu

Aku takut bahwa kamu tidak akan menunggu di sisi lain )

In the opening verse, Lana Del Rey expresses her deep longing for a lost love. The idea of a "dark paradise" suggests that while this love brought her happiness, it also had a dark side. She fears that in death, her love will not be waiting for her.

3. Chorus

"Every time I say goodbye

I wish I had one more try

I'm not afraid of dying

But I am afraid of losing you"

( Setiap kali aku mengucapkan selamat tinggal

Aku berharap punya kesempatan lain

Aku tidak takut mati

Tapi aku takut kehilanganmu )

In the chorus, Lana Del Rey reflects on her regrets and wishes she could have another chance with her lost love. She clarifies that she is not afraid of death itself, but rather the Keluaran SGP thought of losing her loved one forever.

4. Verse 2

"Is this real? Or is it all in my mind?

The world spins and I watch it fly

Can't shake the feeling from my head

There's a devil sleeping in my bed"

( Apakah ini nyata? Atau semua hanya dalam pikiranku?

Dunia berputar dan aku melihatnya terbang

Tak bisa menghapus perasaan ini dari kepalaku

Ada setan yang tidur di tempat tidurku )

In the second verse, Lana Del Rey questions the reality of her emotions. She feels a constant unease and struggles to escape the thoughts of her lost love. The reference to a "devil sleeping in my bed" suggests that the memories of this love haunt her even in her sleep.

5. Bridge

"All my dreams and all the lights mean

Nothing without you

All my tears and Pengeluaran HK all my nights mean

Nothing without you"

( Semua mimpiku dan semua cahaya tidak berarti apa-apa


Semua air mataku dan semua malamku tidak berarti apa-apa

Tanpamu )

The bridge emphasizes the significance of Lana Del Rey's lost love in her life. Without this person, her dreams, aspirations, and even her moments of sadness lose their meaning. The emptiness she feels without them is palpable.

6. Conclusion

Lana Del Rey's "Dark Paradise" lyrics in Indonesian capture the depth of her emotions and the sense of longing she experiences after losing a love. By delving into themes such as fear of loss, regret, and the impact of love on one's psyche, she creates a powerful and emotionally charged piece. The lyrics remind listeners of the complex nature of relationships and the Togel Hari Ini lasting impact they can have on our lives.
